I have said this a million fucking times, but I absolutely love the way Kras draws women – so thick and muscular.
This piece is a prime example that. Just look at Katara and Toph’s legs and ass, they have the kind of bodies you just want to put babies in. Like, on a primal level you just want to bend them over and impregnate them. Do you feel me? Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t care, I love thick and muscular chicks. Well, I guess it’s not just me since Kras drew this pic lol
Oh and how cool are the elemental effects in piece? It’s a great use of their powers. I love that Kras wasn’t content to just do a simple pinup and decided to add the water and sand dildos (the latter sounds like it might hurt). All in all a great piece of hentai.
Art by Kras ~ Sluttish.xxx